Calling All Software Engineers…

A software engineer at Utiligroup is responsible for writing and maintaining software that’s essential to the daily running of a large number of companies within the utilities industry.

We continually evolve our existing products and develop new products with the best and latest tools available to us in the Java ecosystem. Most recently our full stack projects have included; Java 8, Spring 4, Cassandra, Hadoop, RabbitMQ, Apache Camel , D3.js, Groovy, jOOQ and a whole host of others.

Our developers have a real passion for on-going learning, continually seeking to improve their skills and are constantly challenging the status quo. Exploring new products and development methodologies to produce high quality, performant & reliable software is an integral part of the way we work.

Development at Utiligroup is a varied, fast paced and extremely rewarding environment to work in. We don’t pigeonhole developers into “front-end/back-end”, all of our developers are given the chance to work on all aspects of the software stack.

The breadth and depth of technologies we use, coupled with the scale at which we deploy provides a technological challenge unique to the North West.

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