UK Gender Pay Gap Information 2021

May 14, 2021
UK Gender Pay Gap Information 2021

The Gender Pay gap is different to Equal Pay

Gender Pay gap shows the difference between the average hourly earnings of men and women across the workforce and is about addressing the representation of women in the workforce. Equal pay is about whether women and men performing the same work, at the same level, in the same organisation receive the same pay.

What is Gender Pay

The Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017 brought into effect a requirement for large employers to report publicly every year on the differences in aggregate pay and bonuses of men and women. Employers with over 250 employees must calculate a standard set of key metrics on their gender pay and gender bonus pay.
The regulation applies to all private sector employers with 250 employees or more and every year must report on the following: –

• The difference in the mean pay of full pay men and women, expressed as a percentage

• The difference in median pay of full pay men and women, expressed as a percentage

• The difference in mean bonus pay of men and women, expressed as a percentage

• The difference in median bonus pay of men and women, expressed as a percentage

• The proportion of men and women who received bonus pay

• The proportion of full pay men and women in each of four quartile pay bands

As an employer of currently to date 326 employees ESG Global (Energy) has undertaken as required by the Equality Act, looking at the data of all full pay relevant employees for the relevant period, including all relevant employees in the UK.

Our workforce to date is made up of 235 males and 91 females, making males 72.08% of our workforce.

We can confirm the data below is accurate containing information relating for the relevant period, however we have excluded data of those not receiving full pay due to Maternity/Paternity Leave or Sickness etc. as we are required to do.

Mean/Median Gender Pay

ESG Global (Energy)’s mean gender pay gap is 10.9%

We have a gender pay gap because we employ more men than women. It is not unusual for companies like ours to employ more men than women, due for example to a smaller pool of female talent found for areas such as Java Developers, IT technicians. Other factors also influence this including local and geographical conditions together with historic recruitment and market force factors.

ESG Global (Energy)’s median gender pay gap is 15.1%

Bonus Gender Pay Gap

ESG Global (Energy)’s mean bonus gender pay gap is 10.9% ESG Global (Energy)’s median bonus gender pay gap is 5%
Proportion of Males Receiving Bonus is 6.4%
Proportion of Females Receiving Bonus is 5.5%

Pay Quartiles

UK Gender Pay Gap Information 2021

The chart above shows the gender distribution in the four quartiles based on pay bands. We have more males across our workforce and that is reflected in the bands above.

Next Steps

ESG Energy (Global) ensures all staff have equal opportunities to progress within the Company by advertising roles internally. Over the last few years we have successfully closed the gap in our upper quartile by having internal senior promotions. As a Company we are absolutely committed to building a fairer more equal society, and we will continue to ensure we are fair and transparent in all recruitment and other interactions with our staff.


S Gosling

Steve Gosling, CFO

Posted by Dom Benabda