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Harness the market’s most comprehensive transactional and historical usage data management with our Commercial & Industrial billing system.
ESG are experts in interval data at scale – we’re ready and experienced in handling vast quantities of data, providing all-inclusive access to that data, turning insights into opportunities that benefits your bottom line.
Our billing solution supports all market historical, interval and monthly data requests – and can rapidly process the turnaround of request responses.
We’ve wrapped this functionality inside an advanced UI capable of showing all meter volumes over a timeframe that you define – giving you complete control over complex billing.
We manage more transactional data in our billing solution than any other EDI provider. We translate millions of rows of data into complex invoices ready for C&I and beyond.
Our industry-leading APIs allow for powerful, seamless integration across most third-party vendor systems. Our in-house team is constantly enhancing our billing solution based on our deep collaborative relationships with our customers.
Pre-enrollment & historical usage requests
Watchqueue Support
Block/Swing Excess/Shortage
Our billing solution combines interval data management, cutting-edge functionality and support from external data sources (i.e. load weighted share allocations, and data retrieval). This allows you to introduce complex price plans that also support Time of Use Tariffs, granularized to an account level to give your business a competitive advantage.
We support non-commodity billing and processing invoice charges from 3rd party vendors, customer engagement tools that enable higher frequency communication for your customers and meter data processing from sub-meters.
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