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The POWWR and ESG partnership creates a connected data story for business growth and customer loyalty.
Our partnership with POWWR provides advanced platforms and simple solutions to retail energy providers and brokers so they can grow their business – with transparent data connections and a well-defined customer life-cycle journey.
Together ESG + POWWR can offer a solution that includes an advanced pricing engine, enhanced management of renewals, and the ability to automate quotes, contracts and enrollments, to create an efficient and connected data story and to provides unprecedented insight so that retail energy providers, energy suppliers and brokers can make informed, proactive sales decisions to foster customer loyalty.
Retail energy providers and brokers trust POWWR + ESG to resolve costly and inefficient manual processes that are spread throughout their business operations. By choosing to work with us, you can reduce your cost-to-serve and stay profitable by shedding technology infrastructure that doesn’t serve your core business goals.
Automated Quotes, Contracts & Enrollments
Data & Advanced Pricing Engine
Commissions & Renewals
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