Keeping you up to date on news, events and what’s happening at ESG…
Keeping you up to date on news, events and what’s happening at ESG…
Utiligroup, a leading provider of software solutions and services to the energy and utilities industry donated £800 to Lancashire based charity, Age UK Lancashire.
The firm hosted a workshop at their headquarters in Chorley on the 7th of December to help energy suppliers manage weather related volatility during these colder months. The purpose of the workshop was to help energy suppliers mitigate the high impacts of weather related volatility and make best use of the tools they have at their disposal.
UK based energy suppliers, GnERGY, Robin Hood Energy, and Lancashire based Places for People Energy all took part in the workshop and donated generously to the charity.
Age UK Lancashire, is a part of a national organisation working with and for older people. The services and support they provide promote independence, enhance health and wellbeing and enable older people to access a wealth of information and resources to make informed decisions about their lives.
Their Spread the Warmth campaign in particular targets people suffering from fuel poverty. The main forces impacting fuel poverty link to a combination of factors – energy prices, household poverty and home energy efficiency to name a few. Teamed with spikes in weather and a cold winter, the struggle to pay energy bills rises, and those impacted include the elderly who we know make up a large proportion of the fuel poor.
David Ward, Promotions Manager at Age UK Lancashire, said “We are delighted that Utiligroup has recognised the work our charity does for older people, particularly in the winter months, which can be a very difficult time for many people. On behalf of Age UK Lancashire I would like to thank everyone at Utiligroup and the attendees of the workshop for raising much needed funds for us. With the changing financial environment we now rely on these kinds of donations and it really does make a difference to local older people. I personally hope we can continue to work with Utiligroup in the future help older people with energy and winter related issues”
Latest figures published by the Office of National Statistics revealed that an est. 43,900 excess winter deaths occurred in England and Wales in 2014/15. The highest number since 1999/00 with 27% more people dying in the winter months compared with the non-winter months with the majority of deaths occurring among people aged 75 and over.
Utiligroup’s marketing manager, Neelam Barber, said: “We are proud to introduce the first session of a series of workshops touching on a range of topical industry matters. We are dedicated to sharing best practices with our clients to ensure they’re ready to pass on benefits to their customers during the most crucial times. We’re overwhelmed with the response received from our clients and the support they have showed to Age UK Lancashire. We hope that the funds will allow this fantastic organisation to continue to carry out the wonderful work it does to help make a difference to people who need our help the most.”
Utiligroup has recently celebrated its rapid growth by moving in to a new 16,000 sq ft office facility and heavily expanding its workforce, doubling its headcount to over 140 staff.
Media contacts:
Neelam Barber at Utiligroup
Tel: 01772 770280
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