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Keeping you updated with the latest releases, updates, events and opportunities we're working on to improve competitive innovation for our customers.
As part of the Open Networks Project, the Energy Network Association has launched a consultation on the market standards to underpin delivery of more flexibility to the UK energy system - tackling varied solutions such as EV smart chargers, domestic batteries and demand side response. The consultation calls for responses to how initiatives can be accelerated and seeks to identify barriers to this such as no interoperability or inconsistent service interaction methods. The consultation builds upon ENA's Distribution System Operation (DSO) Implementation Plan, which outlines steps to create efficiently managed local grids. Read the full article from Business Green here & more from Energy Network Association by clicking here.
BEIS recently published their Electricity Market Implementation Plan that identifies market distortions and the measures taken to address failures in a new policy. The plan highlights the measures required to address market failures which includes imbalance settlement, interconnection, energy storage and demand-side response. Cornwall Insight posted this news story on using their daily bulletins - you can download the BEIS plan by clicking the link here.
The National Grid have published FES 2020 documents to stimulate debate across the energy sector. The documents include data, scenario and modelling workbooks, comparison documentation and an interactive report. The team are hosting deep dives all week, taking questions to explore the analysis on specific topics. You can download all documentation by clicking on here for more - or read about the launch by clicking here.
The partnership between Tesco, Volkswagen and Pod Point are celebrating their 200th EV charging site - which offer free charging at Tesco stores. By the end of this year, that number should increase to 400 sites. According to Volkswagen, 669 MWh of electricity have been dispensed over the past 18 months, with EV drivers using the free charging points 150,000 times. You can read the full article at by clicking here.
Energy media website the energyst have released a wave of EV content this week - including webinars, an EV report and an article focusing on decarbonisation. The article describes how the decarbonisation of transport and energy is symbiotic and how innovation is required to drive competition in a new energy network. The energyst are also hosting a week of EV webinars held between the 21st and 23rd of July, where all attendees will receive a free copy of the new 2020 EV report. You can sign up to the webinars by clicking here, download the report here or read their decarbonisation article by clicking here.
Ofgem have officially opened their new Energy Regulation Sandbox Service for applications. This allows innovators to try out new ideas with guidance from Ofgem and other industry bodies. The Sandbox offers a range of tools across all areas that Ofgem regulate, including suppliers, generators and network companies. The sandbox also covers those not directly regulated by Ofgem, such as third party intermediaries and energy services providers. If you'd like to know more you can read the article here, learn about Ofgem's Sandbox guidance here or register your interest in the Sandbox by clicking here. We collaborate with prospective entrants & existing customers to pioneer new models & trial innovative customer benefit through the Sandbox.
Cornwall Insight have analysed and outlined the policy proposals required as part of Ofgem's Supplier Licensing Review. Ofgem published its statutory consultation with the aim to raise standards across the energy sector - by promoting better risk management, more responsible governance and strengthening exit arrangements. The article, written by Cornwall Insight Analyst Emma Bill, highlights principles expected of suppliers as part of the new SLR. You can read the article here - or read the Ofgem statutory consultation by clicking here.
Energy Supplier switching has risen this month for the first time since lockdown began. Energy UK released data showing that nearly 3 million customers have switched supplier in the first half of the year, with electricity switching up 7.5% in June compared with May. Independent Suppliers received 53% of electricity switches to or between them within June. According to a report by Compare the Market, 127 fixed energy tariffs are coming to an end in July, with many customers being automatically rolled onto their supplier’s standard variable tariff and more than likely paying over the odds as a result. Energy UK have produced a monthly report which you can download here and you can read the coverage by clicking here.
The Solar Trade Association have released a report that reveals how homes can contribute into the journey to Net Zero. This report uses real world data to compare four generations of smart homes and how effective they are at reducing energy poverty. The report also demonstrates how consumers can benefit from cutting carbon to support the power system. Chris Hewett, STA Chief Executive adds "The evidence is here - it is not simply the homeowner who stands to benefit from solar and energy storage - but everyone". You can read the report by clicking here.
Energy suppliers are teaming up to trial heating systems that reduce CO2 and reduce energy bills. A number of projects in the UK are looking to use electrified heat for flexibility, with many installing and operating zero-carbon heating systems. Some homes involved in these trials will have up to £5,000 worth of energy efficiency improvements made. Many trials are installing smart systems that are controlled remotely to cut carbon emissions. Click here to read about OVO Energy's largest ever zero-carbon heating trials and click here to learn about EDF, Kaluza and Dimplex's flexible home heating trials.
Balancing and Settlement experts Elexon have posted multiple training videos on their website. The videos provide background reference of their balancing mechanism and imbalance settlement processes, which give useful insight for prospective market entrants and existing suppliers. The training videos feature various topics, including BSC change, Imbalance Settlement and Supplier Volume Allocation. If you'd like to know more about becoming an Ofgem licensed energy supplier take a look at our Optimised market entry page or get in touch with our market entry experts.
The Advanced Propulsion Centre has released a ">report that identifies twelve key manufacturing and supply chain growth opportunities for EVs that could boost the UK economy by £24bn. It highlights that suppliers need to ramp up their capacity to 10-times their current levels within the next five years. These opportunities were effectively demonstrated as Infrastructure support service provider Amey was appointed by Transport for Greater Manchester to expand the number of publicly owned electric vehicle charging networks across the city. The charge points will be powered with 100% renewable energy and will span all 10 councils in Greater Manchester, serving 2.8 million people..
EnergyUK has published a report in partnership with PWC that sets out how the energy sector can power an economic recovery and how policy framework, investment and incentives can push us towards our net-zero target of 2050. The report highlights the ‘huge challenges and ambitious infrastructure challenges’ that could lead to ‘payback - widespread economic, environmental and societal benefits’. You can read the article here and download the report here.
We're proud to say our team has been able to maintain business as usual by effectively working from home, initiated before lockdown began. We welcome news from Ofgem as they announce that their relaxed regulations are to come to an end from 1st July. Ofgem has signalled this to suppliers in an open letter this week, carefully moving back to business as usual for the energy sector. This news comes alongside plans announced by the Government to drive up smart meter installations to ensure consumers are able to cut energy bills and carbon emissions. Both articles are available in the links provided.
We are delighted to support our customer Drax and EDMI through our software as they pioneer the introduction of polyphase SMETS2 smart meters. These new meters will give large industrial and commercial businesses greater control of their energy use. Drax's Managing Director Paul Sheffield said this new smart meter technology "is going to be a game changer for thousands of our larger customers." You can read the full article by clicking here.
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