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Keeping you updated with the latest releases, updates, events and opportunities we're working on to improve competitive innovation for our customers.
The energy sector works diligently from home at present to support customers, putting work work before themselves. Working and living separately may cause loneliness to impair our wellbeing. During 15th-21st June, it is Loneliness Awaress Week with resources at, End Loneliness & Lets Talk Loneliness. Everyone can feel lonely, even when with others. We seek to support our employees, customers and affiliates in their well being and connection with each other.
Utiligroup has operated on a business as usual basis working from home during the current global pandemic. As we transition to the next stage, Utiligroup is delighted to restart our hiring gradually for exciting careers at the company. We encourage any candidates interested to check our Careers page with the open roles section at the bottom of the page.
Mark is our Chief Strategy Officer and member of the executive team. He has been with the company for a decade in two parts during a near thirty year career in energy. Mark leads formation and execution of our strategy, sector & customer strategic engagement. In his role, Mark speaks in UK and in such as USA and Japan on the future path for smart energy, mobility and flexibility. He writes our energy insight articles and formed our Smarter Energy Insights forum. Before Utiligroup he had senior positions at National Grid, Logica, Silver Spring Networks & earlier at British Aerospace engaging in UK and many countries including Russia, China, Brazil, South Africa and Australia. Mark enjoys Soul music, modernist design, comedy, gardening & social time. He set-up the world's biggest energy groups at Linkedin and is responsible for our marketing. Mark has an active network, welcoming contact to create successful benefits in the energy transition at and Linkedin.
Energy Suppliers are planning the safe restart of smart meter installations in June, as reported in Current News. Energy Supplier & Meter Agent customers of Utiligroup are developing safe working practices, shared through such as Energy-UK. Our Smart Metering software as a service for UK DCC empowers >70 electricity & gas companies in supply, meter asset provision and their operations plus new data innovators. It is the most adopted software & we welcome dialogue to unlock benefits for your business. Contact us at
As reported at Energy Live News, our customer Drax provides analysis and data relating to electricity demand, the generation mix and pricing at its excellent Electric Insights portal. In their Q1 2020 report they highlight the profound difference in how we have used energy and the intensive contribution by renewable sources and demand side flexibility. Every day of electricity demand was like a Sunday for a few weeks. It is fascinating, valuable insight in both report and data graph form, with an email newsletter. Thanks for the great work.
Vehicle-To-Grid (V2G) is a term for where the battery inside an electric vehicle can contribute to energy grid load and stability through reverse power flow. There is great potential but a need to learn more about it in practice. Utiligroup customer Western Power Distribution (WPD) is leading a new V2G trial to include five Suppliers as part of its Electric Nation project. Read more at Renewable Energy Magazine and Current News. An interesting study in the regional disparity of EV charging availability is also highlighted by Air Quality News.
Drew is Chief Technology Officer and a member of our executive team. Drew has grown through the company over twenty years leading our technology architecture, software engineering, R&D and security aspects of our business. As CTO he provides leadership in adopting the latest technologies and infrastructure for our high scale, automated Software as a Service applications. Drew's R&D team experiement with new technologies including our blockchain demonstrator for demand response. He enjoys playing and enjoying music, cooking, classic cars, socialising with family & friends. Perhaps unsurprisingly, he can often be seen trying out the latest technologies from drones to eScooters. Read more about our executive team & connect with Drew at Linkedin.
An excellent article on the integration of electric vehicles into the energy network and the charging infrastructure build programme is published by Air Quality News. Major energy generation and networks company, SSE also says it is time to accelerate EV adoption in The Times as part of their new future greenprint. We are engaging with a range of innovators bringing their electric vehicle value towards the energy sector. Long term customer ownership from EV adoption onwards to help them achieve the optimal cost is becoming the next competitive energy focus. Contact our Chief Strategy Officer Mark Coyle to discuss how your innovatoon is embedded into the future of energy.
We seek to support our team's mental health at all times and especially at this different time. Mental Health Awareness Week is 18th-22nd May in UK with a theme of 'Kindness'. Supporting resources are available at their site and Twitter. We provide here some links to support everyone from NHS Every Mind Matters, Samaritans, Big White Wall, Mind & Overcoming Panic Attacks. Utiligroup engages our valued team to support their work, family time and mental health. It is challenging for everyone at present and respond differently, so let's use the resources and support where helpful. Let's always be kind and support each other's mental health.
The new article from Energy UK is entitled 'Powering The Nation: How clean energy can support the economic recovery '. It sets out the contribution that a rapid transition to green, smart and flexible energy can make to reviving our economy after Coronavirus, while helping to deliver the path to Net Zero. Read their vision blog article or read it as a paper with further updates at their Twitter stream. Utiligroup is an Associate Member of Energy UK and is engaged in their workgroups to support the sector at present and help develop policies to meet the future.
Half Hourly Settlement (HHS) of electricity builds new smart meter consumption data to enable accurate matching of production & trading with demand. It helps unlock such as smart tariffs, better trading and flexibility benefits at scale. For the implementation of mandatory half hourly settlement, Ofgem has published its Impact Assessment ncluding a consultation which remains open for a number of months. See the consultation here and earlier papers from Ofgem and Elexon. Utiligroup is part of the Ofgem working group and will add HHS service benefits at the earliest point. Read more about our innovation focus.
The UK government has today set out its vision for a UK rapid chargepoint network in England for electric vehicles. This exciting ambition sets a course for UK mobility and underpinning by the energy sector. Next, this visionwill spur a wave of investment, innovation and new societal benefits for UK in the path to Net Zero. Click here to read it. We're exiting to be helping empower a range of existing and new innovators in this field. Read our latest article Press Accelerate published earlier this year & prior articles on smarter energy in anticipation of this next step in the UK energy roadmap.
Steve is our Sales Director and a member of our executive team. After an extensive career in business customer software sales, Steve joined us in 2015 initially to lead our smart metering sales campaign. He now heads up the sales, account and service management team engaging with over a hundred diverse customers from pre-sale through to the operational service delivery management. Steve is often part of our customer networking and welcomes engaging on how to empower your competitiveness. He enjoys fitness, family time, walking his dog and is an active Lacrosse player. Read more about our executive team and contact Steve directly via email.
Our friends at digital agency Equator are running a webinar on Tuesday 12th May at 11:00 exploring how energy retail brands resppond to the current situation in 2020. Join the session at or obtain the materials afterwards by contacting them here. Read our recent joint paper and see the summary video on competitive energy leadership in the digital era at the dedicated page within our Energy Insights area.
Elexon is the authority who manage and deliver the electricity Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC). They have authored and co-published a guide in the 'For Dummies' series that will be helpful to understanding of the UK electricity trading and settlement arrangements. This is a great initiative. Click here to read more and download the guide.
Many thanks for visiting our website. Utiligroup has now unified with ESG. You can find our new site at - or please click the button below and you will be redirected to our new site.